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Back to School – Time for a Psychoeducational Assessment

2358 days ago

Well here we are on September 4th and, depending where you’re located, another school year is either just around the corner or already underway. If you’re like most parents, this is probably a pretty stressful time for you. There’s back-to-school shopping, the prospect of new teachers (and potentially even new schools), and through all of it, of course, your underlying concern for your child’s emotional and academic well-being.

How is your child faring relative to their peers? How well-equipped are they to handle the information they’re going to learn? Are they socially and emotionally fulfilled? These questions and, honestly, probably a lot more are sure to be floating around your head right now. Thankfully, at CITC we are here to help you find some answers and make better sense of your child’s academic experience.

At CITC, for children from ages 6-18, we offer Psychoeducational Assessments, which will evaluate their cognitive, academic, emotional, behavioural, and social functioning through an array of tests. The academic facet of Psychoeducational Assessments evaluate academic abilities and a variety of information processing skills such as short and long-term memory, executive functioning, attention/concentration and phonological awareness. These assessments will be able to identify or update previous assessments of learning disabilities, ADHD or giftedness to ensure your child is getting the individual support they need. In addition to identifying and addressing special circumstances related to your child’s learning, we will also take you through comprehensive, practical strategies to put into place at school and at home tailored to their specific learning needs.

In addition to the academically-focused Psychoeducational Assessments, we provide Social-emotional Assessments, which provide a robust complementary assessment of the various internal and external social and emotional challenges your child may be facing at school. These assessments allow for the diagnosis of mood disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, or Social Anxiety, and the identification of other behavioural issues that may impede your child’s ability to concentrate or emotionally regulate themselves at school. Like the Psychoeducational Assessments, the Social-emotional Assessments also offer comprehensive and practical strategies to be enacted at school and at home as well as a set of specific treatment recommendations.

These assessments usually involve between 4 and 5 appointments- an initial intake meeting with both you and your child, 2-3 separate 2 hour assessment sessions with your child, and a final feedback meeting with you to present a written report detailing specific findings and a list of recommendations. Please contact us at, call us at 416-570-5050, or click the link at the top of this page to book an appointment today and take the next step in furthering your child’s emotional well-being and academic success.

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