Interpersonal Sensitivity

Interpersonal sensitivity is chosen as the IPT focus area when there is no clear interpersonal or life stressor associated with psychological distress and you describe long standing patterns of poor interpersonal relationships that are affecting your mood. Your therapist will help you examine your interpersonal patterns and help you see if there are specific changes you can make to the ways in which you interact and communicate with others.

Examples of Interpersonal Sensitivity

  • Difficulty in initiating relationships
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships
  • Difficulty expressing one’s feelings within relationships
  • Difficulties communicating one’s needs
  • Lack of social support/social withdrawal

The main therapeutic goals in IPT when interpersonal sensitivity is chosen as the problem area are to help you discover what patterns in the ways in which you relate to others are problematic, and to help you re-establish social support through interpersonal problem solving.

As with all IPT treatment, therapy usually involves 12 to 16 one hour sessions that occur weekly. The first phase of therapy is developed to collecting information, reviewing a list of all the key relationships in your life (“Interpersonal Inventory”), and establishing the therapeutic goals. The middle sessions will be used to focus on interpersonal sensitivity with a key focus on communication and the establishment of social support. Practising new interpersonal skills will be an important part of treatment. The final sessions are used to consolidate your learning and review progress and future goals.

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